Eating: I was at +80 over points last week (bad decisions etc) so I'm aiming for a lower week. My goal is to touch about 15 or fewer of my points outside of the normal 29
Related Behaviors:
I'm going to the store tonight and going to cook a bunch of food for the week.
I will plan out the the next 4 days on WW tonight.
Working out:
I would like to do 2-3 days of yoga; 2-3 days of weight lifting + 30 min of cardio on each of those days. My goal is 30 points
Related Behaviors:
I will go to bed by 12 tonight and wake up at 8am for 1 hour power yoga. I will go to bed by 10 every other night.
I'll plan my yoga the night before.
I'll plan a fun walk for the weekend.
Writing: I will write at least 2 pages daily
Related Behaviors: I will make time before bed and when I wake up to do it.
Support: I will weigh in during a lunch time meeting this week. The current plan is Friday since this week is so busy. I will also read blogs for 15 min max per day.